Other places to find help.
We answer only disaster-related civil legal questions in writing. For non disaster-related questions, or if you want to speak with an attorney, there may be other services to help you. Below is a list of other resources.
Free Disaster Legal Assistance HOTLINE
Spanish speakers
Spanish speaking users call 1-888-382-3406. Press option number one.
~ Usarios Hispanohablantes llaman 1-888-382-3406. Opriman opcion numero uno.
To search for (free) legal aid providers in your county:
To find a Lawyer Referral Service in your County, to get a regular paid attorney (or possibly a low-fee attorney, if you are low-income):
For Disaster Legal Services and Covid19 help:
USDA Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP) Awards and Public Benefits
For farmers and ranchers who applied for and received a one-time, lump-sum award from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under the Discrimination Financial Assistance Program (DFAP): This general information will help people who receive USDA DFAP awards understand the potential impact of such money on public benefits.
Other helpful agencies:
- ABA Home Front
ABA Home Front provides legal information, resources, and a directory of legal programs for veterans, service members, and military families. Programs listed include military legal assistance offices, legal aid and pro bono organizations, lawyer referral and information services, and military-specific programs where available.
- ABA Military Pro Bono Project
The ABA Military Pro Bono Project accepts case referrals from military attorneys on behalf of junior-enlisted, active-duty military personnel facing civil legal issues, and it works to place these cases with pro bono attorneys.
- Swords to Plowshares
- Tenants Together
- Small Property Owners of San Francisco
- Housing and Economic Rights Advocates
- Bay Area Legal Aid hotline
- 1-800-551-5554
Domestic Violence/Violence in the family:
- Family Violence Law Center (Oakland)
- Cooperative Restraining Order Clinic
- Legal Aid Marin
- CORA - San Mateo
- Bay Area Legal Aid hotline
- 1-800-551-5554
Family Law:
- API Legal Outreach -
- Derecho Familiar, Inmigracion, alojamiento
- Debe ser un residente de
bajos ingresos en la zona
servida. - Condadosen la área
de la Bahía - https://www.apilegalo
utreach.org - 510.251.2846
- Bay Area Legal Aid
- Consumo, empleo, derecho familiar,
alojamiento - Gente de bajo ingresos
- Marin,
Napa, San
San Mateo - https://baylegal.org/g
alameda-county/ - 800-551-5554
- Consumo, empleo, derecho familiar,
- Centro Legal De La
Raza- Inmigración, derechos de los
trabajadores, derechos de inquilinos - Gente de bajo ingresos
- La área de
la Bahía - https://www.centrole
gal.org - 510-437-1554
- Inmigración, derechos de los
- Community Legal
Assistance Saturday
Program- Derecho familiar, alojamiento, empleo
y más - Abierto a todos
- Alameda,
Napa, SF,
Solano - https://www.acbanet.
org - 510-302-2222
- Derecho familiar, alojamiento, empleo
- Eden Council for
Hope and
Opportunity- Alojamiento, caseros/inquilinos
- Abierto a todos los
adultos en el Condado de
Alameda - Alameda
- 510-496-0496
- Eviction Defense
Center- Alojamiento, caseros/inquilinos
- Personas que necesitan
asistencia con problemas
de inquilinos/caseros- Alameda
- https://www.evictiond
.org/ - 510 452 4541
- Homeless Action
Center- Solicitar beneficios públicos,
alojamiento, - Tiene que vivir en un
unidad residencial- Alameda
- http://homelessaction
center.org/ - 510-496-0496
- Solicitar beneficios públicos,
- Legal Assistance for
- Solicitar beneficios públicos,
alojamiento - Residentes del Condado
de Alameda de bajos
ingresos. No tiene que ser
personas sin hogar para
calificar- Alameda
- https://www.lashicap.
org/ - (510) 832-3040
- Solicitar beneficios públicos,